Home Month: May 2013

Is a DR Wood Chipper or Chipper/Shredder Right for Me?
Brush piles. Fallen limbs. Uprooted saplings. Leaf piles. Garden waste. On large country properties, there are dozens of ways to make use of a wood chipper or chipper/shredder. But how can you know that purchasing one is the best choice for you? As you consider your chipping and shredding needs, ask yourself these three essential… Read More

The Toughest Weeds in America!
What exactly can a DR Trimmer or Field and Brush Mower cut? Each year we hear from hundreds of folks from all across the country who want to let us know about the tough weeds they’ve been tackling with their DRs. At the same time we receive even more letters and calls from people who are… Read More

Stump Removal: Don’t Be Stumped
After you’ve removed a tree — or a multitude of trees — you’re left with the unsightly and often dangerous stump. They’re a pain to mow around and can be a tripping hazard for you and your livestock . . . not to mention often ruining a landscape that you’ve spent many man-hours perfecting. There… Read More

You Can Do Better than a Burn Barrel!
Burning in the backyard can be an effective way to get rid of yard waste and certain household waste. Those stacks of bank statements and other documents? Incinerate them to ensure your privacy. Old newspapers and cardboard? Burn them to free up space. Piles of twigs and leaves? Throw them into the fire to clean… Read More

Compost’s 4 Secret Super Powers
If you’re a gardener, you’ve probably heard all about the benefits of composting: it reduces your household waste, it’s good for the environment, it saves you money on fertilizer, and on and on. Compost’s real power, however, is all the amazing stuff it can do for your soil. It truly is the best fertilizer and… Read More