How to Grade a Gravel Driveway

If you have a gravel driveway or road on your property, then you know the common problems with them: ruts develop that are uncomfortable and dangerous to drive over washouts appear after heavy rain the gravel becomes compacted and has to be replenished every few years. Grading your driveway regularly is the best way to… Read More

Spring Driveway Maintenance Made Simple

Almost every type of driveway needs a little attention come spring time.  Cold temperatures, frost, and the aggravation of snow plows and shovels have probably taken their toll on your driveway over the winter.  A little driveway maintenance can bring it back to its former glory, however, and make for a way smoother ride. Gravel… Read More

Banish Potholes!

Potholes can get bigger and deeper over the winter if you don’t address the problem now. If you have a dirt or gravel driveway, you know that potholes can be a jarring experience. Before winter sets in, follow these simple driveway maintenance steps to fix existing potholes and keep new ones from forming. Potholes are… Read More