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Spring Driveway Maintenance Made Simple

Almost every type of driveway needs a little attention come spring time.  Cold temperatures, frost, and the aggravation of snow plows and shovels have probably taken their toll on your driveway over the winter.  A little driveway maintenance can bring it back to its former glory, however, and make for a way smoother ride.

Gravel or Dirt Driveways

If you have a gravel or dirt driveway, you probably have issues such as displaced gravel, potholes, and ruts.  These are not only unattractive, but can make for a very uncomfortable drive and can even damage your vehicle.

Paved Driveways

If you have a paved drive, check for heaves and cracks.  If you find any significant cracks — especially those that weren’t there in the fall — it could be an indication of poor drainage.  This, unfortunately, is not a quick fix and may mean that the whole driveway should be replaced.  Smaller cracks, though, can be fixed yourself and usually do not indicate poor construction.  It is best to fix them as soon as possible, before too much moisture is allowed to seep in.  Clean the cracks out as well as possible, including taking out any big chunks of asphalt that are no longer attached and getting rid of all dust and dirt.  If any gas, oil, or other substances have dripped into the crack, use a commercial cleanser to clean them out.  Fill them to within 1/4″ of the surface with either sand or closed-cell plastic backer rod.  Then, fill the top-most part of the crack with a patching compound.  Follow package instructions for best results.

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